Why To Consider Counseling Services​

Itoday's stressful and image driven society, all of God's children have been made to feel the negative physical, emotional, and spiritual affects.  Each day we are pulled further away from God's purpose for each of our lives. We try to take on too much on our own instead of putting our faith in thepower of our Savior Jesus Christ to take on our burdens, heal our troubled hearts, and guide our souls toward his kingdom far beyond our earthly cares and priorities

Trying to keep up in today's fast-paced computer driven world, it's easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, pressured, and even bullied. Trying to keep up, fit in, and succeed by society's standards can lead to feelings of frustration, stress, anger, helplessness, and feeling broken. These can all be contributing factors for developing an anxiety disorder and/or depression. Before long, feelings of isolation, fear, and lack of motivation become part of one's new reality that seems hopeless and without end. When you've decided you've had enough, I can help you work through the issues and regain a sense of positive well-being. You may not be able to change the way the world pulls at you, but you can learn to change your responses to it, and reclaim your sense of happiness that god has always wanted for all of us.

Telecounseling Services

During these uncertain times that COVID-19 have resulted in, life as we know it has been negatively affected in many ways. It's hard to know from day-to-day when life will return to normal, or what the new normal will look like. many adults become overwhelmed with how to navigate the new pulls that have been put on them in the areas of work, family, and social change. It can be easy to become swept up in all of the bad news and stress and feel helpless to do anything about it. Mind and Spirit Counseling and Education Services offers a safe and effective way to get the help you need to transcend the daily bombardments of today's world. Telecounseling has been researched over five decades and has been proven effective in many mental and emotional disorders including depression, anxiety, life adjustments, and trauma. I currently use Microsoft Teams software to conduct video Telecounseling services, due to its user-friendly format, as well as being HIPAA safe. This means that your confidentiality is protected and maintained with minimal risk. Tele-Counseling is covered by most public and private insurance, as these payers have recognized the effectiveness and safety it affords those who want to maintain counseling services during the COVID pandemic and beyond. For more information on Telecounseling services please feel free to contact me to begin your journey toward a more peaceful way to gain a sense of peace and relief in the times we currently live in.

Counseling Philosophy   

  For over 2,000 years Jesus Christ has been providing healing, rest, and love to all of us. He has been there through all of our struggles and knows our needs. The scriptures have given him many names; one of which is "WONDERFUL COUNSELOR" To this day, Jesus continues to inspire the work of today's counselors. Jesus was the first to actually use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy concepts. He challenged the people of his day to change their established thought and behavior patterns to improve the quality of their lives. He challenged them to have faith in something much greater than the earthly cares and trappings that cause us to believe we are responsible for things we are not, and the illusion of being in control of everything.

  Today Jesus continues to call us to challenge what we believe in, what we think is important, and our ability to control things much bigger than ourselves. He invites us to give our burdens to him with the faith of a mustard seed that he is our master, not the world we've created. This same Wonderful Counselor inspires and guides my practice that was created to help his children find their way through life's storms to the calm and peace of his love for us.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, alone, depressed, or anxious, Mind and Spirit Counseling can help. I offer you a strengths-based and spiritually uplifting counseling experience. Mind and Spirit Counseling works from a holistic approach providing both evidence-based counseling interventions, and Christian-centered counseling interventions.



And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 
So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
LUKE 12:7

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Job Stress
Career Changes

Autism Spectrum Disorder Academic, Social, Skills, & Independent Living Skills
Adult ADHD Academic, Occupational, & Life Skills Strategies